@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2015:278655624, title = {O SENTIDO SIMBÓLICO DAS ATITUDES EMOCIONAIS NA EXPERIÊNCIA EDUCATIVA EM JOHN DEWEY: UMA PERSPECTIVA DOS AFETOS NA EDUCAÇÃO}, year = {2015}, url = "http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/373", abstract = "It is possible to notice that reason has been widely valued on education, based on historical perspective. It has been believed as the principal criterion to teach and to learn. Some observations about relations between teachers and students demonstrate that students are more interested when teachers are interested to develop affective link with them and this link is an element that influence the motivation to learn. On one side it is the rational principle composed by believes that men are different from other animal because they are rational, the reason is independent, opinion and knowledge are opposed and that there are a rational explanation for everything. On another side, we doubt this principle based on our observations. So, we think that there are a relation between affects and reason and this relation is important on formal education during teaching and learning process. To discuss about this idea, we study the educative experience by John Dewey (1859-1952) and mainly one of its elements: the emotional attitudes which ones we interpret its symbolic meaning. Therefore, the objective of this paper to interpret the symbolic meaning of the emotional attitudes of the educative experience by John Dewey and to think about the connection between affects and reason on relation between teachers and students. The method was the symbolic hermeneutic by Paul Ricoeur which one he proposes a reading based on relation between explaining and understanding and the desmitologização. Desmitologizar is to interpret a myth based on its symbolic function through abstraction to explain its first symbols. These symbols help to interpret the symbol of a concept in a theory, in this case, the symbol of emotional attitudes. To help us, we chose the Greek myth Eros and Psyque. The result was first symbols found on myth are the childhood, the change and the adulthood. Based on them it was possible to interpret the symbolic meaning of the emotional attitudes of the educational experience and it is the "transformation". In synthesis, we consider that social and educational changes are directly associated to individual changes and to individuals` process of necessary development where teachers` emotional and intellectual attitudes are models of behavior to students. Teachers have wide responsibility regarding behavior in interpersonal relations. However, teachers have some obstacles to develop in a society where one of its bases to build thoughts is still the dualist principle.", publisher = {UNICENTRO - Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (Mestrado - Irati)}, note = {Unicentro::Departamento de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes} }