@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2015:970712879, title = {VIVÊNCIAS DO AMPUTADO E SUA ADAPTAÇÃO À VIDA EM COMUNIDADE}, year = {2015}, url = "http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/234", abstract = "The concept refers to amputation concerns the process by which separates from the body by a surgical procedure or due to some trauma, a member or part thereof, is a physical imbalance generator event, psychological and social to the individual who is subjected to it . It is used as a last therapeutic option, only when other treatments are ineffective attempts. This study aimed to address an amputee group of lower limbs, aged 18-50 years, amputation for over 04 years, entered into the physical rehabilitation service UNICENTRO to know their experiences, difficulties after amputation and adaptations achieved after rehabilitation and use of prosthesis. The study was qualitative, data were collected through interviews that were recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to hermeneutic-dialectic method, and help of the content analysis. The group addressed was composed of 15 amputees and showed the following results: a predominance of males, with a mean age of 36 years, the level of amputation was transtibial found more and as a result of traumatic injuries. The most frequently reported difficulties were related to perform activities of daily living, creating a dependency framework; faced emotional changes such as sadness, despair, tearfulness, insecurity, anxiety and changes in self-image; and these mentioned issues altered the routine life of the subjects, leading them to social isolation after amputation. With the process of rehabilitation and fitting the group found ways to overcome these difficulties and limitations. For amputees resume their autonomy and independence, it is necessary to be included in rehabilitation services, assisted by skilled interdisciplinary team, and in order to develop strategies that foster conditions for a better quality of life to the amputee.", publisher = {UNICENTRO - Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Comunitário (Mestrado Interdisciplinar)}, note = {Unicentro::Departamento de Saúde de Irati} }